We are very excited to announce that “Hypostasis” will be available in the next couple of days as a timed release edition.
We had initially planned for the next timed release to be a different painting, however that one is probably a year or so away from being ready at this point, and my thoughts on releasing Hypostasis as a print have evolved from six months ago. Given these factors we have decided to go ahead with the timed release edition as previously planned.
Hypostasis is part of the cosmonaut series and was included in the Juxtapoz anniversary show at Jonathan Levine Gallery.
The print will be released on Saturday 15th November at 9am and the release will close Sunday 16th November at 9am. These times are for Melbourne, Australia.
You will be able to purchase the print at any time during the 24 hour window and the number of prints sold in this time will determine the edition size.
As a guide, the start time is
Friday 14th November 5pm in New York, Friday 2pm in San Francisco and Friday 10pm in London going into Saturday 15 th November.
Please check your times zones. Once the 24 hours is passed the release will be closed and the print will no longer be available.
Here’s the
link to the print
Please note, the purchase button will be uploaded when the print is available (our Saturday morning and everyone else’s Friday afternoon/evening), and will appear in the top right corner
Some details about the print:
The print image is
56cm x 56cm (paper size 61cm x 64cm).
It is
US$187 (approx. based on today's exchange rate) or AUS$215. This price includes packing and postage.
We anticipate mailing out may take several weeks, so please be patient, and note that prints will be sent in order so earlier purchases will have a lower edition number and will be shipped earlier.
We hope you enjoy the print.