1. We’re pleased to let you know that "Imperator” will be available as a print next week.

    Here’s the link to our store

    This new print will be a timed release.  This means you can purchase the print at any time during the 24 hour window and the number of prints sold in this time will determine the edition size.

    The print will be released on Monday 23rd October at 9am and the release will close Tuesday 24th October at 9am.  These times are for Melbourne, Australia.  

    As a guide, the start time is Sunday 22nd October 6pm in New York, Sunday 3pm in San Francisco and Sunday 11pm in London going into Monday 23rd October.

    Please check your times zones.  Once the 24 hours is passed the release will be closed and the print will no longer be available.
    Please note the purchase button will appear in the store when the print is available (our Monday morning and everyone else’s Sunday afternoon/evening) and be available for 24 hours.

    Some details about the print:
    The print image is 106cm wide x 51cm high (paper size 115cm x 61cm).

    It is US$196 (approx. based on today's exchange rate) or AU$250.  This price includes packing and postage.

    We anticipate mailing out will take several weeks, so please be patient, and note that prints will be sent in order so earlier purchases will have a lower edition number and will be shipped earlier.

    You will be emailed confirmation once your print has been posted.

    Soph and Jem

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  2. We are very excited to announce the release of our new print “Fall”.  This was a relatively small painting, so the print is smaller too. This has allowed us to sell the print at a more affordable price, which we're very happy about. 

    The print will be released on Monday 23rd January at 9am and the release will close Tuesday 24th January at 9am.  These times are for Melbourne, Australia.

    As a guide, the start time is Sunday 22nd January 5pm in New York, Sunday2pm in San Francisco and Sunday 10pm in London going into Monday 23rd January.

    Please check your times zones.  Once the 24 hours is passed the release will be closed and the print will no longer be available.

    The purchase button will appear in our store when the print is available (our Monday morning and everyone else’s Sunday afternoon/evening) and be available for 24 hours.
    Some details about the print:
    The print image is 39cm wide x 39cm high (paper size 42cm x 44cm).

    It is US$97 (approx. based on today's exchange rate) or AUS$130.  This price includes packing and postage.

    This new print will be a timed release.  This means you can purchase the print at any time during the 24 hour window and the number of prints sold in this time will determine the edition size.

    We anticipate mailing out will take several weeks, so please be patient, and note that prints will be sent in order so earlier purchases will have a lower edition number and will be shipped earlier.

    You will be emailed confirmation once your print has been posted.

    Soph and Jem

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  3. Hi everyone,
    We are pleased to announce the release of a new print - “Begin Again”. 

    The print image is 55cm high x 48cm wide (paper size 61cm x 53cm).  The edition is limited to 300 and is $210 AUD - approx $160 US  (includes packing and postage)

    The print will be released as a lottery.

    To register for the lottery sign up here.
    Please note that the email you register with must correspond to your paypal email so that we can keep track of the winners, send an invoice etc if you’re successful.  And please only register once.

    The lottery is open until noon on Monday 27th June (Melbourne, Australia time) please make sure you’ve registered before then.

    We will get in touch with first round lottery winners on Tuesday 28th June – so please check your email.

    Soph and Jem

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  4. We’re pleased to let you know that “Foundation” will be available as a print next week.

    This new print will be a timed release.  This means you can purchase the print at any time during the 24 hour window and the number of prints sold in this time will determine the edition size.

    The print will be released on Friday 4th December at 9am and the release will close Saturday 5th December at 9am.  These times are for Melbourne, Australia.  

    As a guide, the start time is Thursday 3rd December 5pm in New York, Thursday 2pm in San Francisco and Thursday 10pm in London going into Friday 4th December.

    Please check your times zones.  Once the 24 hours is passed the release will be closed and the print will no longer be available.

    Here’s the link to our store
    Please note the purchase button will appear in the store when the print is available (our Friday morning and everyone else’s Thursday afternoon/evening) and be available for 24 hours.

    Some details about the print:
    The print image is 56cm wide x 66cm high (paper size 61cm x 74cm).

    It is US$166 (approx. based on today's exchange rate) or AUS$230.  This price includes packing and postage.

    We anticipate mailing out will take several weeks, so please be patient, and note that prints will be sent in order so earlier purchases will have a lower edition number and will be shipped earlier.

    You will be emailed confirmation once your print has been posted.

    Soph and Jem

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  5. Jonathan Levine Gallery is celebrating it's 10 Year Anniversary with a print show.  More info is available here
    An edition of 60 prints of "Fortress" will be available at the show, along with prints from 9 other artists. The print will only be available at the show.
    So if you're in NY...
    All 10 editions will be available for purchase in-person only at the gallery, 529 West 20th Street, on Saturday, February 21st from 11am to 2 pm (EST). Please be advised that due to high demand, there is a limit of one print from each artist per person and they cannot be reserved in advance. 
    Prints are individually packaged and must be taken at the point of sale. We advise arriving a little early to secure good placement in line.  
    Any remaining editions will be sold at the opening reception and on our online store that evening, February 21st at 6pm (EST).

    It sounds like it is going to be a fun show, wish I could be there!


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  6. Fortress 
    Oil on Board 

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  7. Thanks everyone.

    The support and kind words have been overwhelming.

    We'll be sending out prints for quite a few weeks, so please be patient.

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  8. We are very excited to announce that “Hypostasis” will be available in the next couple of days as a timed release edition.

    We had initially planned for the next timed release to be a different painting, however that one is probably a year or so away from being ready at this point, and my thoughts on releasing Hypostasis as a print have evolved from six months ago. Given these factors we have decided to go ahead with the timed release edition as previously planned.

    Hypostasis is part of the cosmonaut series and was included in the Juxtapoz anniversary show at Jonathan Levine Gallery.

    The print will be released on Saturday 15th November at 9am and the release will close Sunday 16th November at 9am.  These times are for Melbourne, Australia.

    You will be able to purchase the print at any time during the 24 hour window and the number of prints sold in this time will determine the edition size.

    As a guide, the start time is Friday 14th November 5pm in New York, Friday 2pm in San Francisco and Friday 10pm in London going into Saturday 15 th November.

    Please check your times zones.  Once the 24 hours is passed the release will be closed and the print will no longer be available.

    Here’s the link to the print

    Please note, the purchase button will be uploaded when the print is available (our Saturday morning and everyone else’s Friday afternoon/evening), and will appear in the top right corner

    Some details about the print:

    The print image is 56cm x 56cm (paper size 61cm x 64cm).

    It is US$187 (approx. based on today's exchange rate) or AUS$215.  This price includes packing and postage.

    We anticipate mailing out may take several weeks, so please be patient, and note that prints will be sent in order so earlier purchases will have a lower edition number and will be shipped earlier.

    We hope you enjoy the print.


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  9. The lottery has been drawn, and the winners notified by email. If this is you, please get back to us by  June 6th at 12 Noon Melbourne Australia time, or your print will be offered to someone else in the secondary draw.

    The secondary draw will be held (if necessary) tomorrow.

    Thanks to everyone who expressed interest, we are sorry that there will be people who have missed out. Hopefully we can make it up with the next print release, which will be a timed edition. It is still a ways off, (as the painting has not yet been finished, and I'm not known for my speed), but it is coming!



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  10. Hi everyone,

    We are pleased to announce the release of a print of “Ascent”. The print image is 56cm wide and 56cm high (paper size 61cm x 64m).  The edition is limited to 250 and is $235 AUD (includes packing and postage). 

    The print will be released as a lottery. To register for the lottery sign up using the mailchimp button here

    Please note that the email you register with must correspond to your paypal email so that we can keep track of the winners, send an invoice etc if you’re successful. And please only register once. The lottery is open until noon on Wednesday 4th June (Melbourne, Australia time) please make sure you’ve registered before then.
    We will get in touch with lottery winners on Thursday 5th June. 


    Soph and Jem


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